Monday, September 14, 2009

TIFF weekend...what's with all the hype

So things this weekend didn't go exactly as planned.  Wanted to go to a tiff party on Sat. night but brant house got a call from michael douglas' publicist mentioning that they needed to keep the crowd small. Cover was hiked to $20 and even the regulars were told they had to pay cover that night & to come back at 1pm to get in for free. The regulars decided to go to Atelier.

I showed up early at 9pm and was told to come back at 12:30pm.  They did let in 5 other ladies that showed up and that did not mind the $20 cover.

So I met up with my friends at the Bier Market down the street.  We stayed there and listened to the live band.  No cover there and the place was pretty packed. 

While we were waiting for a table, started chatting with this cute guy who came with 2 of his friends.  Picked up his number before leaving to sit down as it would probably be the only half decent guy that I will be meeting that night and perhaps this month.

After the Bier Market, we all headed to Schmooze the once it spot which has become a has been place.  Its the only place that we could most likely get in given the tiff party hype.  We were not going to be getting in anywhere else that night without guestlist or vip.

So Schmooze was pretty packed considering.  The crowd was not what I am usually used to but I was with my friends so everything was ok. Mixed drinks were $3.50 ....same as back in the day when it was the afterwork it place. I recall large lineups back then. Now oasis and spice have become the afterwork places to go this summer.

Got home at around 230pm.  Woke up in a daze and rushed to get ready as I was getting picked up.  We had reservations at One in yorkville for 1pm but could make it as we arrived there at 2pm.  There was no more room on the patio but we could have sat inside which was really dead when we checked it out.

We ended up having lunch at Nervosa on the patio.  Pretty nice place and good food. Saw a couple of film people there but had no idea who they were. Did not spot any celebs in yorkville but bought some sandals from Hugo Boss at 70% off.

Chilled out on my balcony for the rest of the afternoon. Took another long needed nap and chilled out at home the rest of the evening.

Sent a text to cute guy from the night before. Got a text back later from him so all is good in my life.

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